Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Release Day for All Done With It

 What a challenge it is to launch a book during a pandemic! We had a technical issue at one vendor but thankfully it is fixed today, and this is the day that counts! Do I believe in miracles? Yes, I do!

(I just used up a year's worth of exclamation points but other than using all caps and bolding everything, I don't know how to share my absolute elation.)

ALL DONE WITH IT is book 7 in the Dreamwalker mystery series. It was a joy to write, and now I get to share it with paranormal mystery readers. I'm hoping you have been waiting for this moment just as I have.

In this final book of the series, Baxley is faced with her biggest challenge ever. With bad guys in real life and on the Other Side, paranormal anomalies, and a full term pregnancy during a heat wave. Mercy! But this unsinkable gal still manages to find a way to help people, to bring closure to families, and to solve the biggest, baddest mystery ever, all of this while the fate of the entire world is at stake.

Here's what advance readers say about this book:

"WOW. I have no other words. This book consumed my reading time, quickly becoming a page-turner as I could not put this book down until all was said and done." --Dru's Book Musings

"All Done With It's ability to build on the prior books, yet remain accessible to newcomers, makes it a highly recommended cozy paranormal mystery pick for both audiences, easily available and compelling."--Donovan Literary Services for Midwest Book Review.

"Several murders set the stage for a supernatural end game in this fast-paced paranormal mystery... All Done With It is an enthralling read that offers a satisfying conclusion to the Dreamwalker series."--Nancy J Cohen, author of the Bad Hair Day Mysteries

"This story is very satisfying and fulfilling" --Pat Dupuy, Goodreads reviewer

"As the story unfolds, Baxley and her extraordinary family must each play a role in closing a tear in the world or risk losing a mortal battle to a sinister foe. All answers are revealed in the satisfying conclusion." --Karla Brandenburg, reviewer

It wouldn't be official if I didn't share the book blurb:

A Jane Doe jogger homicide near the swamp mystifies Dreamwalker Baxley Powell. The petite woman carried no ID, and no one recognizes her. Worse, a shadow passes from the body to a deputy, rendering him unconscious. The deputy and the corpse are dispatched to the hospital and morgue, respectively.

With summer heat and pending childbirth on her mind, Baxley’s dreamwalks into the spirit world fail to yield leads, frustrating Baxley and her deputy husband, Native American Sam Mayes. Days later, Jane Doe’s description matches a missing Mississippi woman. Turns out, her new husband is missing too. Jane’s sketchy brother-in-law and her aunt arrive, full of secrets. At Jane’s campsite, the team encounters a terrifying anomaly, nullifying Baxley’s senses. With such danger present, they must protect their unborn child. No more dreamwalks will occur until Baxley gives birth.

When her friend Bubba Paxton vanishes, Baxley sights him in a mirror, trapped between worlds with other souls.

Meanwhile, the shadow invades other hosts, demanding to see Baxley. Mayes and Baxley ignore the shadow as they rescue Bubba, untangle the Jane Doe case, and handle missing persons reports.

To free the trapped people, Baxley must outwit a powerful foe. Can she stop this super villain before he steals her soul?

In this 7th Dreamwalker Mystery, female sleuth and psychic crime consultant Baxley Powell works a homicide case that leads straight to an evil force in the spirit world. The stakes? Her soul, her unborn child, and humanity’s freedom.

And by now you're dying to check it out for yourself. This book is in trade paperback and ebook, and you can find it here:

EBOOKS:  Kindle  ❙  Nook  ❙  Kobo  

PRINT:  Amazon  ❙  Smashwords

To order from your favorite bookstore: use this ISBN: 978-1603818322

What are you waiting for? Go forth and read!

Maggie Toussaint

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