Those of us who procrastinate don't take the subject lightly. We dive into it all the way, fully committing to doing our own thing in our own time.
There's so many of us, we've become a "Nation" of folks who just let it ride. Our national motto is "I'll get to it later."
Sound familiar? I bet it does.
When something comes up we're not interested in doing, it doesn't become any more appealing with time. In fact, once the task is postponed, it's easier to keep postponing it.
Why do we duck out on certain things and not on others?
We're afraid we'll mess it up or do worse than last time.
The process is too complex to understand all at once.
We don't want to do it and you can't make us.
We don't care about the task.
We can't focus on something big; there's too many little things that have to be done.
We don't know how to get started.
It's not in our wheelhouse. The effort won't meet our minimum standards.
As a writer, I have definite tasks I procrastinate. First, I'm always reluctant to start a new book. The characters from the last story feel so real. I want to stay in their world. Second, I can research a topic to death. Once I start googling and opening files, the information flows all around me and leads me new places. Third, writing a synopsis makes me use the editing and creative side of my head at the same time. I worry my head might explode.
It's human nature to avoid pain and hardship and to seek pleasurable endeavors. You can't fail at something if you haven't tried it yet, but the trick is to understand why you don't want to do something.
If you're afraid, work on addressing the fear.
If you're overwhelmed, break the task into smaller steps and reward yourself for each step of the way.
If its out of your area, learn how to do it.
If starting is a problem, trick yourself by saying you're just going to get the tools for the job out.
Before you know it, you'll be motoring along on the road to completion. Commit to your task with a new focus and before you know it, you'll be moving on to better things.
Are you a Pro at procrastinating? Share with us something that you put off. And as a bonus, share with us how you've gotten past that stumbling block.
Happy November everyone!
Maggie Toussaint
In For a Penny, now $2.99 at Kindle
ps I'm looking for reviewers for my In For A Penny