I never thought of my feet as anything but my feet until I heard my nephew talking one day. He announced that one of his daughters has "the Watson toe."
Torn between rabid curiosity and half-afraid this was something bad, I leaned forward to ask more about it. My nephew claimed the Watson toe came to his kids by way of his mother, who is my sister, and we all started out with the maiden name of Watson, hence the Watson toe.
Instead of assuaging my curiosity, that bit of information fired up the dormant scientist in my brain. Were we talking genetics? Could I have it? I ripped off my shoes and studied my feet. Lo and behold, I had the Watson toe as well. (My foot is at 6 o'clock in the photo above.)
Now for those of you who are serious scientists, know that this is a localized term. There is no such scientific designation as the Watson toe, which is what we now call the second toe being longer than the first toe.
I found a study online in a scientific journal Ergonomics which measured toes in Caucasians, Koreans, and Asians. And if I understood what they said, Caucasians have a more rounded toe extension pattern than Koreans or Asians. Click over for yourself and have a gander at the phrasing: http://tinyurl.com/833myw5
Did you know there was such a thing as toe cleavage? That's the gap of toes that shows above the covered toe of a shoe, like a pump. I don't often let my toe cleavage show - do you?
Getting back to toe length - is your big toe or your second toe longer? Is that really determined by genetics?
Here's a point of view which says maybe. http://tinyurl.com/7sgej8e The upshot of this more readable article: genetics may play a role, but more than one gene is likely involved. Thank you, John MacDonald from the University of Delaware for thinking about this in such detail!
So much for toes.
I've had two smashing guest appearances elsewhere for my recent releases. If you haven't stopped in at Pat Stoltey's place to see my interview and my gardening hat, check it out at this permalink: http://bit.ly/GEXpRf
. Also, Jane Richardson kindly hosted me for a One-Link Lowdown at her place and there's lots of great intel and dirt there. Here's that permalink: http://tinyurl.com/6mntyz7 This coming Friday, I'll be hanging out with Caroline Clemmons at her place(http://carolineclemmons.blogspot.com/)
Always a pleasure to see you at Mudpies. Y'all come back now, ya hear?
Maggie Toussaint
Paranormal Cozy Mystery Author Maggie Toussaint aka Valona Jones's blog about the writing life, living in the South, and other stuff
Monday, March 26, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
More good news for Murder in the Buff
Last week I posted a five star review for my new digital mystery release, Murder in the Buff. Since then, I've been fortunate to receive two more wonderful reviews for this ecclectic mystery.
Amazon reviewer Mona Risk of Florida had this to say: "... Thanks to the incredible talent of Maggie Toussaint and her amazing writing style, we share the stress faced by Molly, fall in love with the characters: the sexy and so attractive husband Hadley, the capricious and insecure sister, the down-to-earth and lovable Dad, and let's not forget the incredible nudist Mama Leon who is a man. Add to that delicious dialogues full of innuendoes, and steamy love scenes. M. Toussaint kept me reading, laughing, and biting my nails until I finished MURDER IN THE BUFF. I highly recommend it."
Here's a snip of what Sharon Hopkins of Missouri said in her Amazon review: "... MURDER IN THE BUFF is one laugh-out-loud, terrific read."
Amazon reviewer Mona Risk of Florida had this to say: "... Thanks to the incredible talent of Maggie Toussaint and her amazing writing style, we share the stress faced by Molly, fall in love with the characters: the sexy and so attractive husband Hadley, the capricious and insecure sister, the down-to-earth and lovable Dad, and let's not forget the incredible nudist Mama Leon who is a man. Add to that delicious dialogues full of innuendoes, and steamy love scenes. M. Toussaint kept me reading, laughing, and biting my nails until I finished MURDER IN THE BUFF. I highly recommend it."
Here's a snip of what Sharon Hopkins of Missouri said in her Amazon review: "... MURDER IN THE BUFF is one laugh-out-loud, terrific read."
Read the full reviews at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Murder-in-the-Buff-ebook/dp/B007HOPSFE/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1331647638&sr=8-5
If you agree with the reviews, be sure to like and tag the book while you're there!
And while I'm on the subject of promotion, I'm guesting over at Lindsay's Romantics today, dishing about romantic mysteries. Come on over and share a cup of tea. Here's the permalink:
Maggie Toussaint
blending mystery and romance into compelling fiction
Friday, March 9, 2012
Guesting at Muse today
Today I'm guesting at the Muse It Up blog and dishing about my brand new release, an ecclectic mystery titled Murder in the Buff. To access the post, click on this link: http://museituppublishing.blogspot.com/2012/03/hooray-for-muse-and-murder-in-buff.html
Also, while we're gabbing about Murder in the Buff, the reviews are starting to come in, and I couldn't be more excited. My first FIVE STAR review on Amazon is from England's bestselling romance author, Lindsay Townsend. Read it below:
WOOT! Thanks for the fab review, Lindsay!
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Maggie Toussaint
blending romance and mystery into compelling fiction
Also, while we're gabbing about Murder in the Buff, the reviews are starting to come in, and I couldn't be more excited. My first FIVE STAR review on Amazon is from England's bestselling romance author, Lindsay Townsend. Read it below:
"An original and deftly written cozy-murder-romance
Molly Darter is in a lot of trouble.
She has an estranged husband, a dysfunctional family, a tricky job as a
reporter and now she has to enter a nudist colony.
Written from Molly's
engaging, sometimes wry point of view, 'Murder in the Buff' is a family story,
a crime story and a romance. The author, Maggie Toussaint, perfectly evokes her
chosen setting, the small Georgia town of Marshview, where memories and grudges
are long and where family is vital. I felt to be suffering with Molly as she
tried to understand the actions of her husband Hadley, the former sherrif, her
scheming, selfish sister and her drama-queen mother. Molly is sympathetic and
no doormat and through the novel she learns more about herself and her
relationship with Hadley, while there is also a ticking-clock element in the
murder itself and another mystery - who will benefit from the dead woman's
I found 'Murder in the Buff' a highly entertaining read, written in a flowing style. I shall be looking out for more of Maggie Toussaint's work." - Lindsay Townsend, Yorkshire, UK
I found 'Murder in the Buff' a highly entertaining read, written in a flowing style. I shall be looking out for more of Maggie Toussaint's work." - Lindsay Townsend, Yorkshire, UK
WOOT! Thanks for the fab review, Lindsay!
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Maggie Toussaint
blending romance and mystery into compelling fiction
Monday, March 5, 2012
Ketchup is more than a vegetable
When my kids were little, we used to joke that ketchup was a vegetable. It's chock full of tomatoes, so it has to be healthy, right? Fast forward a few years and we move to the deep South. At one of our fav eat-out spots, they have a list of veggies in big letters right on the back of the cash registers. Get this, macaroni and cheese is a vegetable. So is rice. You gotta love the South!
Anyway, I have some catching up to do, hence the ketchup blog.
For anyone that missed the announcement, SEEING RED, my sweet romance about the bed and breakfast that's a huge money pit, is FREE this week/month at Smashwords as they promote reading e-books. Free, that's right. But you need a coupon code, so here it is:
Anyway, I have some catching up to do, hence the ketchup blog.

MD44L and here's the link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/41338
In this book, Emma Heartly is desperately trying to get out of her dead end job, but her boss and sisters won't let her. Contractor Quentin Stone likes old Victorians and he's keen about the redhead too, so he volunteers to help her when her loan falls through. Expect construction mishaps and family drama in this full length book.
As the wheels of publishing turn at unequal rates, my "February" release of my hardcover title from Five Star / Cengage, DEATH, ISLAND STYLE, actually becomes live at Amazon and B&N on March 7. That's this Wednesday. You need to read this fun-in-the-sun book. It's gotten fab reviews from Publisher's Weekly, Kirkus, Library Journal, Romantic Times and more. MaryBeth reinvents herself as a craft store owner after the deaths of her husband and her mother, but her past isn't done with her. It catches up with her in the form of a dead guy in the surf, a guy the cops link to her. Yikes! She has to work fast to prove her innocence.
Besides 3 of the Big 4 reviewers taking a shine to this mystery, read this from a trending author:
"On the surface, Maggie Toussaint's "Death, Island
Style," is a well-written, intricate, and satisfying cozy mystery with a
charming setting and well-developed characters. Below the surface, it's an
emotional but no less satisfying look at a woman's journey from heartbroken
widow and grieving daughter to self-confident business woman and kick-ass heroine.
It delivers on both counts, and will hopefully not be the last we see of
MaryBeth Cashour and the people of Sandy Shores Island." Jennie Bentley,
New York Times Bestselling Author
Thank you, Jennie Bentley. You are truly a Rock Star in my world.
And the publishing wheels revolve again, this time to my zany cozy mystery, MURDER IN THE BUFF, an ebook-only mystery from Muse It Up which releases this Friday, March 9. Holy Murgatroid, Batman. Two books releasing in one week! What was I thinking?
Murder is about wronged Molly Darter, a reporter who caught her husband doing a tonsil check of her sister. Her boss makes her go to the nudist colony for a story and the nudists insist that one of their own was murdered. Molly doesn't want to help them, but certain photos push her into sniffing around. There's a slobbery dog, a precocious boy-child, a determined husband, a boss with secrets, and a whole lot more. Plus this book very affordable. Here's a link you might find useful on Friday (to buy) or today just to nose around. Muse
It Up Publishing
I've got two signings coming up this month. One on Sunday, March 18 and another on Saturday, March 31. Local folks will get postcards with more info. If you aren't on my mailing list - you need to be! Email me for more info maggie@maggietoussaint.com
In the upcoming weeks, I have guest posts to promo the books, and I'll post a link at mudpies in case folks want to click over. There are excerpts for all my books at my site www.maggietoussaint.com.
Whew! That was a lot of Ketchup. I've fulfilled my vegetable requirements for the week.
Maggie Toussaint
all formatting errors are mine and mine alone. blogger hates me.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Temptation Strikes: Southern Fried Everything
I was lucky enough not to have a weight problem for most of my young adult years. But as the kids grew and I became less active, the pounds crept on, a little at a time. Seems like I've been dieting steady for the last six years, fighting the same twenty pounds. I'm not ready to throw in the towel, but I've faced some tough times. Might as well own up to it: I'm a sucker for fried anything.
Growing up, fried chicken was the undisputed king of all my food groups. The crunchy outside and the tender, moist inside made for a mouth-watering experience that satisfied my hunger.
Fast forward a number of years, and fried chicken is a guilty pleasure for those of us who try to watch our caloric intake.I've eaten some substandard fried chicken in my lifetime, but the good stuff is to die for. I'm hungry just thinking about it. And grilled chicken, while it can be delicious when seasoned right, is a poor second, in my book.
For the record, fried shrimp is a staple in my diet. I can't pass that up either. And I love a spicy cocktail sauce with fried shrimp. Don't give me any of that imported shrimp. I want wild caught, and the shrimp from Georgia are tops, bar none.
Another huge temptation for me is sweet potato fries. I'm not a huge french fry fan unless they are piping hot, but sweet potato fries tempt me at any temperature. They are not on my diet per se, but I've made some sweet potato fries in the oven that are a close second to the fried variety.
Anybody out there a fan of fried okra? It's a special weakness of mine. Just the other day, I needed comfort food and ordered a small dish of fried okra, and was I glad I did. The batter was to die for, so light and thin and the veggies were stick to your ribs yummy.
Fried green tomatoes is a southern delicacy. The only thing I like better than fried green tomatoes is my friend Harriet's green tomato pickles.
While visiting my kids and eating in out-of-state restaurants, I've come across other fried veggies as appetizers: zucchini and whole onions. These have been irresistible as well.
No wonder there's an obesity epidemic around the world. We're all tempted by so many fried foods. Now they even make battered french fries, which means the potatoes are sometimes fried twice. Crazy, isn't it?
I've named my guilty fried pleasures. I know there are other fried foods out there. What are your favs? What fried dish makes your must-have list, regardless of your weight plan?
Maggie Toussaint
who struggles with her weight
and reaches for chocolate when scenes stall
Growing up, fried chicken was the undisputed king of all my food groups. The crunchy outside and the tender, moist inside made for a mouth-watering experience that satisfied my hunger.
Fast forward a number of years, and fried chicken is a guilty pleasure for those of us who try to watch our caloric intake.I've eaten some substandard fried chicken in my lifetime, but the good stuff is to die for. I'm hungry just thinking about it. And grilled chicken, while it can be delicious when seasoned right, is a poor second, in my book.
For the record, fried shrimp is a staple in my diet. I can't pass that up either. And I love a spicy cocktail sauce with fried shrimp. Don't give me any of that imported shrimp. I want wild caught, and the shrimp from Georgia are tops, bar none.
Another huge temptation for me is sweet potato fries. I'm not a huge french fry fan unless they are piping hot, but sweet potato fries tempt me at any temperature. They are not on my diet per se, but I've made some sweet potato fries in the oven that are a close second to the fried variety.
Anybody out there a fan of fried okra? It's a special weakness of mine. Just the other day, I needed comfort food and ordered a small dish of fried okra, and was I glad I did. The batter was to die for, so light and thin and the veggies were stick to your ribs yummy.
Fried green tomatoes is a southern delicacy. The only thing I like better than fried green tomatoes is my friend Harriet's green tomato pickles.
While visiting my kids and eating in out-of-state restaurants, I've come across other fried veggies as appetizers: zucchini and whole onions. These have been irresistible as well.
No wonder there's an obesity epidemic around the world. We're all tempted by so many fried foods. Now they even make battered french fries, which means the potatoes are sometimes fried twice. Crazy, isn't it?
I've named my guilty fried pleasures. I know there are other fried foods out there. What are your favs? What fried dish makes your must-have list, regardless of your weight plan?
Maggie Toussaint
who struggles with her weight
and reaches for chocolate when scenes stall
Monday, February 20, 2012
What's in your newsletter?
A key part of becoming a brand name is regularly sending out
information of interest to customers. In the realm of authors, a newsletter is
an essential tool to connect with your readership and to keep them apprised of
news in your world. Here are ten easy tips to get you started.
7. Include an article about author’s life. Readers want to know how authors get their ideas, how they write, how much they write and so on. You might illustrate a point of research or highlight a marketing hook on your upcoming book release to keep the focus on your new product. Alternately, this section might list your recent blog subjects with permalinks to the original posts.
10. Provide contact information. Make sure you give readers a way to connect with you. You could limit this to an email address, but in this day of social connectivity, providing your user names for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Goodreads, and other social media will help you stay connected to readers between newsletters. At a minimum, include your website and blog addy.
1. Use a template. Having a standardized format for content
delivery helps ensure you don’t omit important information. Select a name for
your newsletter that is recognizable. It can be as simple as “News from Maggie
Toussaint” or you might take a different slant like my friend, JL Wilson, whose
newsletter is titled, “As the author learns.” Decide upon a font and determine
the number of columns. For longer newsletters, page numbers and table of
contents are helpful features. Images engage readers, so sprinkle them
liberally throughout the newsletter.
2. Start with a brief personal message. A greeting at the
start of a newsletter sets the tone, personalizing the message and engaging the
recipient immediately. Seeing their name in the newsletter gives you another
moment of reader interest and creates the impetus to keep reading. Many utilities offer this personalization
feature, or you can create a simple macro to plug the names into the space
after “Dear”. Alternately, a global word such as “friends” might be employed
for the less technologically savvy.
3. Deliver your news. Tell what’s new in your world. If you
have a new book coming out, announce it here. Engage the reader with details
and heighten the anticipation. Provide an update on your current books to
ensure readers have a second chance to learn about them. Highlight any recent
success of former books, such as a contest win, which helps readers feel good
about their purchases.
4. Announce your appearance schedule. Booksigingings, talks
to local groups, conferences, online activities (blogs, chats, workshops) are
of interest to your readership. Remember to point out any media appearances on
radio or TV. Provide links to interviews in print media and ezines. If you have
an upcoming blog tour, mention stops on that tour and provide links.
5. Expand your focus to the larger picture. Provide a
value-added bonus for your readers by sharing interesting insider information.
Topics might include market news, bookstore news, e-readers, an interview with
an industry professional (agent, editor, bookseller), etc.
6. Offer your opinion. This could be tied in with the larger
picture, but it should be clearly labeled as your opinion. By taking a stand on
a market-related issue, you have another chance to connect personally with
readers and become viewed as an expert. The goal here is to win readers and not
alienate them.
7. Include an article about author’s life. Readers want to know how authors get their ideas, how they write, how much they write and so on. You might illustrate a point of research or highlight a marketing hook on your upcoming book release to keep the focus on your new product. Alternately, this section might list your recent blog subjects with permalinks to the original posts.
8. Offer a glimpse into the products you use/read. If you’ve
read or reviewed a good book lately, let your readers know. This helps further
establish you as an expert in your field.
9. Share an unrelated interest. If you actively help a cause,
such as Brenda Novak’s work with multiple sclerosis, a brief mention is
appropriate. Alternately, if you have an amusing pet or hobby or love to cook,
this is a good place to mention it in an engaging way. The idea is to continue
to engage the reader, to further establish you as a friend.
10. Provide contact information. Make sure you give readers a way to connect with you. You could limit this to an email address, but in this day of social connectivity, providing your user names for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Goodreads, and other social media will help you stay connected to readers between newsletters. At a minimum, include your website and blog addy.
Above all, your newsletter should reflect who you are as a
writer and a person. Keeping in mind that no one has time to read an
encyclopedia, ensure your content is written in an engaging style and is to the
point. There is no gold standard for length in newsletters, though shorter is
perceived as better from the sense that readers will read the whole thing. If
you find you have ten pages of content for a quarterly issue, consider putting
out a one-pager every month.
Your goal as a newsletter writer is to provide value and
drive product interest. A good newsletter will appeal to the senses and keep
them coming back for more.
Maggie Toussaint
mystery and romance author
Death, Island Style and Murder in the Buff coming in March
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Great cover was worth the wait!
I am walking on sunshine today. My cover artist, Nika Dixon, from Muse It Up publishing created the most fantastic cover for my upcoming mystery release. This campy mystery has a very modern feel, so the slick graphics are perfect for this story! (Coming March 9, 2012)
Murder in the Buff is a little different from my other titles. The language is a little rougher, the crime scene of a nudist colony is a little different, and the sleuth's husband was caught with his tongue down her sister's throat. As the story unfolds, both of Molly's parents become murder suspects, and Hadley tries to soften Molly's anger and get his marriage back.
So, as you can see, this isn't your typical everyday cozy. No folks sitting around drinking tea. No cats. (But there are two dogs, so I have redeemed myself slightly!) And there's a lovely organic garden, so all you folks who love healthy food will enjoy the gardening scenes.
This book is set in my favorite setting of coastal Georgia, and I know you'll enjoy all the scenery and shenanigans of the Campbells and Darters. Nothing like a little family strife to add seasoning to a mystery!
I'll post the blurb and a brief excerpt. This title will release in ebook format on March 9, so please put us on speed-dial!
nudists insist Barbara Jean didn’t die of natural causes. Though their murder
claim rattles Molly, she has no intention of looking into a law enforcement
matter. She has enough trouble on her plate dealing with her cheating husband,
taking care of her precocious son, and waging war on her trampy sister.
revealing photos of her father and other community leaders consorting with
Barbara Jean at the produce stand come her way, Molly must act. To protect her
father, she delves into the dead woman’s past. Barbara Jean had former ties to
the community and hidden wealth.
heat up when her estranged husband’s undercover drug ring investigation
collides with her murder probe. While the sheriff eventually labels the death a
homicide, Molly’s questions place her in jeopardy.
Who killed Barbara Jean? Was it the judge, the preacher, or the banker? Or was the killer someone she knew intimately? Only one thing’s for certain. The killer is watching every move Molly makes.
Want more? Here's an excerpt:
This ebook releases March 9. If you absolutely can't wait, I am in need of reviewers. Contact me for more information maggie AT maggietoussaint DOT com.
Don't you just love this fab book cover???
Maggie Toussaint
mystery and romance author
Murder in the Buff is a little different from my other titles. The language is a little rougher, the crime scene of a nudist colony is a little different, and the sleuth's husband was caught with his tongue down her sister's throat. As the story unfolds, both of Molly's parents become murder suspects, and Hadley tries to soften Molly's anger and get his marriage back.
So, as you can see, this isn't your typical everyday cozy. No folks sitting around drinking tea. No cats. (But there are two dogs, so I have redeemed myself slightly!) And there's a lovely organic garden, so all you folks who love healthy food will enjoy the gardening scenes.
This book is set in my favorite setting of coastal Georgia, and I know you'll enjoy all the scenery and shenanigans of the Campbells and Darters. Nothing like a little family strife to add seasoning to a mystery!
I'll post the blurb and a brief excerpt. This title will release in ebook format on March 9, so please put us on speed-dial!
Molly Darter must obtain the family-placed obituary of a dead nudist to keep
her job at the weekly paper. With her husband’s infidelity stamped on her mind,
she doesn’t want anything to do with naked people. But the dead woman is a
friend, the nice lady from the Marshview organic produce stand.
Who killed Barbara Jean? Was it the judge, the preacher, or the banker? Or was the killer someone she knew intimately? Only one thing’s for certain. The killer is watching every move Molly makes.
Want more? Here's an excerpt:
Mama Leon leaned forward. “Do you know why I asked Ted to
send you out here?”
I leaned back in my chair. He requested me? Did he know me
from somewhere? I was forever getting names and faces confused. No. That
couldn’t be it. With his muscular physique and the aura of power he wielded,
Mama Leon wasn’t someone easily overlooked.
I didn’t know where this was headed, but it didn’t feel like
a short conversation. Mama Leon clearly had an agenda. “You should’ve requested
Ted. He does the real news.”
Mama Leon’s nostrils flared wide. “Ted is a
Johnny-come-lately. You’re old school Justice County and that’s what I need.
Someone who knows the ins and outs of this place.”
Mama had done his homework. Ted Page had moved here from
Macon five years ago when the then-ailing Gazette came up for sale. We wouldn’t
have a paper if it wasn’t for him, and I wouldn’t have a job. Loyalty fueled my
defense. “Ted knows his stuff. Plus he has a degree in journalism.” My degree
in general studies hadn’t prepared me for much more than matrimony.
“Ted has a dick. I wanted a woman. And I like the features
you write.”
I’d been brought up using euphemisms for body parts. His
forthright speech made heat rise to my face, and I had a feeling he liked
keeping me off guard. I needed to move this along. I tapped my pen on the slim
notebook resting on my jeaned thighs. “In that case, let’s get started.”
With a twitch of her hips, Kim set down a tray containing
two tall tumblers of amber colored liquid on the glass-topped table between us.
Mama gestured for me to take a glass.
My throat tightened. What was in that glass? Was he being
hospitable or was I being set up for something bad? “No, thank you.”
He waggled a finger at me. “Mama doesn’t like it when you
refuse his hospitality. It’s safe. I’ll show you.” He drank from both glasses.
Like that was supposed to reassure me. How did I know he hadn’t spit in my
glass? No way was I drinking after him.
I shifted in my seat. “I really need to get that obituary.
Perhaps we could start on it now.”
“We’ll get to that. Important stuff comes first. I’m
offering you my hospitality. You refusing it?”
My wants and needs kept getting trampled. I was tired of it.
Like this Friday afternoon assignment. I didn’t want to come here today, but
Ted had made it a condition of my continued employment. The entire universe of
men thought they could push me around. Why did they think I was such a
pushover? Was there a sign on my forehead?
I took a few breaths to calm myself. I shouldn’t lash out at
Mama Leon because I was spitting mad at my soon-to-be ex-husband Hadley. Mama’s
offer of hospitality was a business gesture, a prerequisite to us developing a
professional relationship.
I squirmed under his scrutiny. Then something inside me
snapped. Living in fear wasn’t the way to go. I sipped from the glass and
sputtered immediately at the strong alcohol taste. “What is this?”
“It’s writin’ juice.” He nodded his approval of my action.
“I want you to write down every word I say.”
I smacked the tumbler down on the glass-top table. The
liquid burned from my throat to my empty stomach. I shuddered convulsively.
Writin’ juice? That had to be the most rotgut whiskey I’d ever tasted. I wasn’t
drinking another sip, no matter what. “We charge by the inch for family-placed
obituaries.” As soon as the words left my mouth I blushed again. Inches. I was
not thinking about inches of anything.
“It ain’t the obituary we’re gonna work on. It’s something
else. Folks in this county needs to know the truth. That’s why you’re here.”
Alarm bells clanged in my head. “And what truth would that
Mama Leon crushed out his cigarette in his empty glass.
“What I’m about to tell you cannot be repeated.”
This oversexed lunatic must be hyped up on a conspiracy plot
left over from the Nixon era. I didn’t care about his personal, religious, or
political beliefs. “I’m leaving.” I started to rise.
He grabbed my wrist and tugged. “Sit.”
I glared at him. “Look, it’s been a long week and I need to
get home to my son. If you don’t have information for the paper, you’re wasting
my valuable time.”
Mama Leon released my arm. “What if I told you something so
big, so gripping, that it could turn this county inside out? What if I told you
it was a guaranteed best seller idea for a book?”
My heart sunk. Odds were, he was conning me. But what if,
out of some bizarre stretch of imagination, he was telling the truth? I
couldn’t afford to pass up the story of a lifetime. “Talk.”
“Me and the girls are sitting on a gold mine in real
estate.” Mama Leon stroked his angular chin. “The powers that be want us o-u-t
out, but we’re not taking our sorry asses anywhere.”
“Go on.”
“Some new muckety-muck carpetbagger’s been coming around
here, trying to take our land away. There’s a deluxe shopping complex going in
out by the highway, and our land backs up to that. They want to knock down these
beautiful trees and pave over the whole countryside. These live oaks are over
two hundred years old.”
“No biggie. Don’t sell.”
“It’s not that easy. This guy has an insider working the
system. Our property taxes have doubled every year for the last four years. Now
they tell us we have to pay to hook up to city water and sewer, and we’re
nowhere near the city.”
“Sounds like a cash-flow problem. Everyone in the county
faces these same issues. Sell them a few acres near the shopping complex.”
“Not a chance in hell. That’s the most sacred acreage on our
property. That’s where we’re gonna scatter Barbara Jean’s ashes.”
Enough of going in circles. “I don’t get it. You’re getting
squeezed by the big money players, but that type of squeeze play isn’t front
page news. Frankly, I don’t see a blockbuster idea in your misfortune. The
world isn’t out to get you.”
“You’re wrong.” He glanced around the screened-in pool area
and lowered his voice. “Because not only have they got my balls in a vise,
they’ve taken their tactics to the next level.”
The next level?
This sounded like page one material, something that went
above the fold. I wanted to cover it. A story like this would keep my job
secure for weeks to come. I hung suspended in breathless silence.
When he didn’t continue, I leaned forward to prompt him.
“And what level would that be?”
His chin quivered. “Murder. They murdered my Barbara Jean.”
blogger hates me and I can't get rid of this box
please continue reading
This ebook releases March 9. If you absolutely can't wait, I am in need of reviewers. Contact me for more information maggie AT maggietoussaint DOT com.
Don't you just love this fab book cover???
Maggie Toussaint
mystery and romance author
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